
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guilty, Perhaps

Reportedly, disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong has told associates that he is considering admitting to using performance-enhancing drugs, in an attempt to repair his thoroughly demolished image.

What you want to think of Armstrong isn't the idea here, though I don't think highly of the guy right now. What you think of his ploy isn't the idea either. What I want to point out is this:

You just admitted it, you dumbass.

Telling someone that you're considering admitting to something is not a thing. You can't 'sort of' admit to something. You either do or you don't. There are cases in which someone falsely pleas guilty for a lesser charge What you've actually just said is, 'I did it, but I don't know if I want to face the music for it yet. For now, though, I still didn't do it.' The statement makes no sense. By publicly considering admission, you have already confessed. The official confession is little more than a cry for attention.

Well, darned if he won't get it.

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